Work From Home Better Economically But, Ergonomically, Worse!
Before 2020, Work-From-Home Was But a Dream of the Ideal Career, Until Everyone Returned Home, Many Not to Return to the Office!
Work-from-home is not only a quarantine, lockdown and preventative measure anymore. It’s an economic genius plan, discovered by accident, which inadvertently changed the way business is done and how “employees go to work.
And, while the bottom line improves through reduced costs for IT, technical, spatial planning, furniture, ergonomic appliances and the like, employees are spending a great deal of time (even since a return to the office) working from home in even harsher postural ergonomics. From the dining room table to the kitchen counter, to the couch and even bed, work-from-home presents an entirely new problem.
Once again, whether office or home, ergonomics is a person-to-person, individualized address as people have different accumulations of structural imbalances accrued throughout their entire lives. Since birth to be exact. Ergonomically correct furniture is of little use to the “internally ergonomic” employee.
The real source that make employees prone to physical work problems is structural imbalance, i.e. “Internal Ergonomics”. Without address to this issue, the most posture-perfect furniture will not do the least bit of good, is not therapeutic, cannot correct the problem, and is likely to become even less comfortable over time.
Once again, it would be better to design a piece of furniture around someone’s imperfect structure, cradling it for ultimate comfort. But this is hardly a solution either.